
Archive for June, 2008

Facebook Profile Preview Email June 1st 2008

thanks to source (but rather public) i been able to see what my profile
is like using the new profile design (developers beta) perspective

have to commend you as i like it but there issues with tabs / improvements that id like and would give users more customization.

Application tabs
through the developer beta all the applications are on the not rightly
named Boxes ‘tab’ but have read in the profiles preview page this is
likely to be Applications or Apps.

application tabs (currently from my list of 156 installed applications:
Fluff friends, Human Pets and Birthday Cards) are good but i am not
going to do 156 tabs as not all are same amount of being liked and
there would be an need to be a way of tab navigating.

disapproval (this maybe in the final or any public user beta upcoming)
but there should be multiple occasions of the ‘Boxes’ tab (the makeup
of this tab but not the content) with the aim allowing users to group
applications that similar together ‘pokes’ ‘dating’, ‘food’. This is
something i kept preaching to you on several occasions and is not on
the developer beta or at least not active.

One feature for an
upcoming feature release to the new profile if tabs get abused is
viewing other profiles there could be an ‘show all tabs feature’. this
show all tabs feature uses the users own tab customizations (for
applications or groups of applications). but not using this has the
main tabs (info, feed, photo, wall and the old ‘boxes’ tab (as i like
to call it the add all applications an user displays). The other
alternative is to limit the amount of tabs at a later date

White Space
there is currently alot of white space to the sides.
its almost certain there will have advertising of some sort in some of the white space but here is a layout idea

  • the
    left hand side white space is removed and the profile content extends
    to the (left) margin (right hand side RHS used for ads)

  • right hand side of profile content extends to the margin (on right) and Left hand side (LHS) used for ads

Future extension of tabbing the request page
on the success of introducing tabs to the profile page this could
possibly extend to the request page that due to application requests in
particular is a joke
‘appearable’ tabs that collapse friend
requests, friend suggestions, detailed friends requests, join groups
confirmation (accept a person into a controlled group or any related
request [accept video/photo or discussion board topic]), groups
invites, application invites, events



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